That is what the "Dr" asks me to do...take a deep breath right before he aims and fires a random assortment of needles into my flesh. Acupuncture. I am getting it 3 times a week....
I was telling a friend about this yesterday and I could hear her squirming on the other end of the phone "please, STOP you are making me sick thinking of someone poking needles into me.."
Aupuncture is something I immediately considered when I ran into my most recent health challenge. Why? because I have many friends who have had remarkable successes with needle medicine.
I have researched it...and determined that no one really knows much about this ancient art, actually no one can agree how long ago it was invented...try it yourself, type in acupuncture. What pops is an assortment of information about the history of acupuncture and its successes or limited success and of course varying history babbles with 2000-4000 years about being the origin date.
acupuncture is much different than I expected. It doesn't "hurt" most of the time. Instead I feel a dull push when he pokes me and sometimes I twist. I immediately fall asleep after I have a few needles plugged in. Deep sleep where I start dreaming and usually have a twitch here and there that wakes me up. What do I dream of? Its strange to admit it, but food. Not eating the food but cooking it. I dreamed of finding a beautiful artichoke and making a grilled cheese sandwich and serving up a beautiful tuna steak.
Today, Dr. Su said "Thinking to much, listen more. Stop Thinking" when I complained profusely about the pain accompanying his poke between my eyes and at the top of my skull. What does this mean...Thinking to much...Listen more? What if I am thinking about what I heard?
Maybe all of this rushes back to the idea of living in the present and feeling the love. Dr. Sue claims people have muscle memory. He says--how are you? Irritated!!! I proclaim. Okay, why? And then I think of all of the things I am irritated about, which are completely ridiculous and unjustified and, and, and....I say I don't know and realize that life is pretty great and that I need to well..... Think less...listen more..