The gym at my current hotel is a bit different. Basement yes, quiet, yes, weird DEFINITELY. First, there is the man that works there. His job is to provide you with water and towels while you are working out. The procedure he uses to implement this job are as follows.
1.) You walk in and he hands you a towel and water. I always reject the water and he gets fussy but gets over it. "Mame, you need water".
2.) You start doing your business on the treadmill and he just stands there and stares at you. Today I decided to see how long this could go on conducting a research survey called:
How Long will the Indian Man in the Gym Stare at me?
So this is about a great way to "breakthrough" any goals you may have set for yourself. I am NEVER on the treadmill for more than about 45 minutes. Today? 57 minutes I walked along with my Indian pal right there staring at me.
3.) Yesterday I asked the man to leave the gym, nicely of course at first and then firmly on a second try. He promptly left...then started pacing back and forth outside the gym, passing by the window about every 3 minutes....checking on me from the hallway.
4.) Perhaps the problem is they are working on turning those that work out there into people that look like this:

Surprisingly this poster is on the wall accompanied by other photos advertising muscle drinks.....hmmmm....
I wish I had the photoshop skills to put your head on that poster. Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?
Sorry about the creepy watchful gym guy. I'm glad he motivates you instead of making you want to leave.
I'm still looking for an Indian dude that looks like this. If I find one I'll post a picture in my blog. I think there's a better chance for peace between Pakistan and India.
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