Page 6 where are you?????
Lets back up. Made an offer on a fantastic new place and I am in the throws of all the minutia that accompanies buying and selling----downsizing, giving crap away, evaluating everything I own, finding a mortgage, repairing everything that the home inspector found (to the tune of $2000.00 thank you) and in the midst of it all the condo docs for the new pad arrive today. My biggest concern, of course, is making sure Elvis Woodsman (most know him by Elwood. remind yourself with picture at left) has a well respected place by my side in our new home. Page 5, last section titled "pets" starts off with some comment about it being illegal to breed dogs and then...........nothing. Page 6 is missing. Grrrrr......
So...we wait and see until someone finds the missing page 6. In the meantime, I will get a fresh glass of ice water (ice maker apparently was broken who knew) flood my basement (new sump pump) and turn off and on a light in the basement with the new switch (who knew code required the switch near the door to turn that light on??? here I have been walking across the basement for 5 years!) to get my last few days of enjoyment out of this place now that everything is working so properly and up to code. Hell, I might even go up on the roof and check out the piece of wood that is completely invisible to the naked eye from the ground that required painting (love the home owners association)!
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