Monday, November 07, 2005


Back in the US and feeling very overwhelmed...perhaps gaining so much insight into things is bad when you attempt to step back in to mainstream America. Over-stimulation. To much information. To much vivid reality...vivid smells...vivid colors clouding up my brains.

It feels like simple things people are freaking about are somewhat ridiculous compared to the people I saw last week eating and peeing on the same street. But this is the reality of the world and I can't fault people for minding their life...its what I will be doing in a few weeks when I recover.

I was at a silk store on Sunday for assorted reasons and overheard this woman talking about how silk farmers own these beautiful small farms, family businesses, they work for a very small clientele, and on it was the story of silk farmers that American's want to hear. I assume they know better.

Ironically, the man helping P and I, after hearing this woman, proceeded to tell us about how he is setting up a silk factory in Bangalore. Two totally different worlds and experiences operating with in 10 feet of each other and successfully selling the same thing. Is this America? How did that man know, I wonder, that we would rather hear about his silk factory than the "story of the silk farmer?"

So over the past day or so I have been thinking about dramatic experiences in my life...things that have startled me...

Earthquake in San Francisco
First earthquake. I had just arrived in the city by the bay to enjoy my delicious bed at the W hotel...they have this ridiculous mattress topper there that is like 5 inches thick...pure heaven.

After a run, shower, and reading away....I drifted into a beautiful sleep until my bed started cruising around the room. All I could think was WOW, those people in the room next to me are having crazy sex!

Training in Delhi after the 10/29 Bombings
In the middle of setting up projectors and other technical equipment, someone comes into the room and asks if they can turn on the TV. I look at the TV as the man is watching it and understand nothing that is being said....but see all of the pictures and the horror growing on his face..

As my students piled in over the next few hours...I saw their questioning faces...wondering where their peers were arriving late because the streets were closed off. Communication was sparse throughout the evening before I left for the next city on my tour. ..which seemed to soon to be honest. I felt like I wanted to know what happened...were they all okay?

Riots in Miami
Running to meet with a client in Miami...I was cabed there by a complete FREAKSHOW. This guy was dressed up in a complete Dallas Cowboy outfit. Sweatpants, sweat shirt and yes, SWEAT BANDS on his head and wrists! I got into the back seat and almost fell on the floor because there was SO MUCH vinyl cleaner on the seat...

As we were driving there, I noticed a child in the front seat(in a car seat) and thought, hmm...that kid looks way to young to be up there and wow, he or she is very quiet. Yeah, that was not a child, it was a CHUCKIE doll dressed in the same outfit as the driver. LOL. The airport is close, thankfully.

But anyway, in the middle of the chuckie recognition, I hear on the radio that Janet Reno has ordered the removal of Elian Gonzalez from his temporary US home.

I enjoyed the peace of my Miami hotel room for about an hour before I noticed a simple note slipped under my door, notifying patrons there may be riots in the streets with regard. I love hotels--so helpful. NOT.

Riots in the streets ensued...people chanting and screaming about Janet Reno, shutting down main roads.... In retrospect its just fascinating that Reno showed up there a few years later in a political race.

Fire in London
Love the British. Upon check-in or arrival at a business they always show you a map of the emergency exits. This map should be STUDIED closely so when a fire breaks out by the front desk of the hotel, sounding the elementary school bell fire alarm in your hotel room, you know how to get out of the hotel.

After this I made a mental note to always take the stairs down once I arrive at my I at least know where they are....

Flat tire in Agra
A flat tire anywhere is a PAIN, but in Agra, India...its crazy.

A bicyclist tore off the plug to one of the tires on the car I hired to drive me to the Taj. It was a complete blow out! I can still hear the sound and see the air flying out and everyone on the crowded Agra street reacting to it...remember most people are on bikes or in open air vehicles like rickshaws.

The driver pulled over and started changing the tire. I got out of the car and people started stopping and staring at me on the street. I don't think you can stay in the car when you have a flat as you need to jack up the tire to change least this is what I have been I just decided to wave to everyone. It worked--well kind of. People still stood there and stared but some folks moved on.

We have a flat tire in the truck and the spare on the car...4 hours from where we are going. Yeah, time to stop and the "tire shop." This would be a blue tarp tent on the side of the road. Here you will find a man that has some how acquired an air compressor...I have NOT ONE CLUE where the power to operate such a device comes from but this thing is HUGE! Its about 3 feet long. The driver speaks with him and he pulls back a board from the pallet that forms the bottom of this tent...out comes the tube we are seeking to fix out tire...

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