Thursday, December 01, 2005

T-10 Days Until GRADUATION

This week I have noticed..

My step is lighter
My laughter is louder
My stress level is decreasing
I am sick of writing, writing, writing..

Today I was occupying myself with things I want to accomplish next year. It started off with one simple thing:

Go on to the roof and see whats doing.

Yeah, I came up with other ideas..but this idea has been dancing in my brain all day (swaying of course to the song selected by the jutebox(the music machine endlessly playing on in my brain), It will be a blue Christmas without you).

These thoughts spanned after reviewing a new yorker magazine article this week about how few hours the french work and how many hours we work in the US. Okay, so before reading this I was PRETTY jealous of the french with their mandated 35 hour work week and their 6 weeks off a year...

But the author had one point I can't get my brain off of: Because we work so much in the US we create a whole pile of jobs because we don't have time to do things ourselves.

Case in point: going up on to the roof and seeing whats doing.

Now, lets be reasonable here, someone is up on my roof at least 3-4 times a year. His name is Adam. I "saw" him a few days ago when I peered out my window and saw him streamlining toward my home with a very, very tall ladder. This guy drops by every few months, leaves a note to say "Hey! I am cleaning gutters in your neighborhood...Are you interested? If so leave me a check". This is not the last letter I receive from Adam. This guy is the best! He writes me notes about the roof....whats the status, whats good, whats not etc.

So, do I trust Adam? Of course! I mean my gutters are not spilling over and I have seen him in action and his logs of roof top details are very interesting and very consistent...seems he is not happy with the DirectTV installation something about a cable cord being in the gutter...and he says the fan is "well sealed" and the gutters are "tight" .

It just seems like it might be time for me to get up there myself....perhaps if I moved to france these luxuries would be much easier to obtain.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Car 54, where are you?

I've been wanting to use that line forever! :)