Friday, February 24, 2006

To Many Choices...

I have become an audiophile...Why? I was inspired to after realizing I could read more books this way...maximizing my time by listening at the gym and in the car.

Ironcially the first book I selected is about creating a career path by looking deep into your wants, desire, dreams, and goals. In other words, making the "right" choices. I have begun to wonder how someone who can not seem to stick with a book choice, and therfore becomes an audiophile so she can consume 2, 3, 4 books at once can become qualified to make choices about career steps.

In the "Anti-Career Guide" Rick Jarow stuck me with his discussions about work and the definition of the word in American Christian orgins. He claims, and I totally agree, that Christian values that founded this country belive that if you work, you will be saved...and the harder you work, the better chance. What a remarkable can actually be fun.

I know a few people that have this experience...and I am sure you do as well. They are the envy of the world...those who choose something they would do after 9-5 if they couldn't do it during the work-day.

The author's point is valid--you should figure out what you love and do it. Then work will become life as life is not work.

With these boundaries established, I still find myself in a quandry for two reasons. First, what do I love to do? Talk to people. Help them. Teach them. Teach myself. Be a mentor. See the big picture. Learn about other cultures. Make a difference. Make the internet easy and safe to use.

How do these answers equate to a job selection? Wow, they end up giving me back lots and lots of choices. Location choices, position choices, field choices. Enless choices. This is similar to the experience I had a whole foods yesterday, when I wanted a green tea to accompany my lunch...and realized they had several different kinds of unsweetened green tea. (why??)

Which leads me to the next book I am reading...The World is Flat. Here I am learning that my choices are unlimited. Although, I already kind of knew that. And that the world is changing at lightening speed in the world of work...making it critical to open our minds to new try out new build ideas into products.

Where to from here? Again, choices. I will keep you posted on the coming selections...changes...choices..

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